[Test applications]

Win32 console application "TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions.exe" demonstrates the running of a unit test with Boost.Test lib and performing of XML checks using TestToolBox::XmlCheck, TestToolBox::TestEvents. More...

Collaboration diagram for TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions:

Win32 console application "TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions.exe" demonstrates the running of a unit test with Boost.Test lib and performing of XML checks using TestToolBox::XmlCheck, TestToolBox::TestEvents.

Supported features

Depends on

Typical code snippets

       TTB::TheXmlCheck()->UseAsDoubleAttribute("tolerance", true, 3);
       TTB::TheXmlCheck()->UseAsDoubleNode("x", true, 4);
       TTB_EXP("  Group_A");
       TTB_EXP("    Vector");
       TTB_EXP("      id: 1");
       TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.026");
       TTB_EXP("      This is the text of the first vector element");
       TTB_EXP("      x");
       TTB_EXP("        3.1424");
       TTB_EXP("    Vector");
       TTB_EXP("      id: 2");
       TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.026");
       TTB_EXP("      This is the text of the second vector element");
       TTB_EXP("      x");
       TTB_EXP("        1.3264");
       TTB_EXP("  id: 3");
       TTB_EXP("  tolerance: 1.357");
       TTB_EXP("  x");
       TTB_EXP("    6.28532");
       TTB_EXP("Difference detected");
       TTB_EXP("A: tolerance: 0.0258 (line: 7 col: 54, path: //MyContainer/Group_A/Vector)");
       TTB_EXP("B: tolerance: 0.8258 (line: 9 col: 54, path: //MyContainer/Group_A/Vector)");
           TTB::XmlCheck::SubNodeFromXPath(docA.RootElement(), "/MyContainer/Group_B"),
           TTB::XmlCheck::SubNodeFromXPath(docB.RootElement(), "/MyContainer/Group_B"));
       TTB_EXP("Difference detected");
       TTB_EXP("A: 3.132437 (line: 18 col: 8, path: //MyContainer/Group_B/x/3.132437/)");
       TTB_EXP("B: 12.132437 (line: 20 col: 8, path: //MyContainer/Group_B/x/12.132437/)");

Project settings

Hints for execution

Log: Running without "--log_level=test_suite"

 Running 4 test cases...

 No errors detected

Log: Running with "--log_level=test_suite" and default setting "LogCallsToAct(false)"

 Running 4 test cases...
 Entering test suite "Master Test Suite"
 Entering test case "SetupTestEnv"
 Test case SetupTestEnv doesn't include any assertions
 Leaving test case "SetupTestEnv"
 Entering test case "TestCheckNode"
 Testcases for CheckNode
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Examples how to get an XmlNode from an XML string or an XML file"
 now doc and docFromFile should contain the same XML data
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckNode"
 Within this test environment XmlCheck is connected with TestEvents via XmlCheck::SetEventReceiver(TTB::TestEvents::Get()).
 CheckNode() writes all entries to TestEvents, but this class doesn't use the context entry.
 Therefore the context set by XmlCheck()::SetOutputModeForWritingXmlContents is not relevant.
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: CheckNode - detailed output
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckNode - ignore attributes and nodes, define double values with precision"
 Ignore attributes 'date' and 'time' and node 'date'
 Attribute 'tolerance' is a double with precision 3
 Node 'x' is a double with precision 4

 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckNode - ignore complete subtree 'Group_A' "

 Furthermore set precision for 'x' to 1

 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - only Group_B (/MyContainer/Group_B)"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - first x element within Group_B (/MyContainer/Group_B/x)"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - third x element within Group_B (/MyContainer/Group_B/x[3])"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - second vector element of Group_A (/MyContainer/Group_A/Vector[2])"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - last vector element of Group_A (/MyContainer/Group_A/Vector[last()])"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - relative to subtree via SubNodeFromXPath (/MyContainer/Group_A, Vector[last())"
 ---- TEST_EVENT check section
 Leaving test case "TestCheckNode"; testing time: 31ms
 Entering test case "TestCompare"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - with/without use of TestEvents)"
 Comparing two XML trees without differences (with TestEvents)
 Comparing two XML trees without differences (without TestEvents)
 XML-Compare: no differences found

 Comparing two XML trees without differences - now suppressing OK message

 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - detection of first difference"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - ignoring 'time'"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - using XPath to compare subtrees (/MyContainer/Group_B)"
 For more test cases see also projects TestXmlCheckBasic,TestXmlCheckWithExtensionsForBoost
 ---- TEST_EVENT check section
 Leaving test case "TestCompare"; testing time: 47ms
 Entering test case "Cleanup"
 Test case Cleanup doesn't include any assertions
 Leaving test case "Cleanup"
 Leaving test suite "Master Test Suite"
 No errors detected

Log: Running with "LogCallsToAct(true)" and "--log_level=test_suite"

 Running 4 test cases...
 Entering test suite "Master Test Suite"
 Entering test case "SetupTestEnv"
 Test case SetupTestEnv doesn't include any assertions
 Leaving test case "SetupTestEnv"
 Entering test case "TestCheckNode"
 Testcases for CheckNode
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Examples how to get an XmlNode from an XML string or an XML file"
 now doc and docFromFile should contain the same XML data
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckNode"
 Within this test environment XmlCheck is connected with TestEvents via XmlCheck::SetEventReceiver(TTB::TestEvents::Get()).
 CheckNode() writes all entries to TestEvents, but this class doesn't use the context entry.
 Therefore the context set by XmlCheck()::SetOutputModeForWritingXmlContents is not relevant.
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("MyContainer");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_A");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 1");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      date: 01.07.09");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      time: 09:15:12.234");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.0258");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      This is the text of the first vector element");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        3.14235");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 2");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      date: 01.07.09");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      time: 09:15:12.234");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.0258");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      This is the text of the second vector element");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        3.14235");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 3");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 1.357");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        6.28532");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_B");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      1.23456");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      2.3581");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      3.132437");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      4.987654");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      5.29741");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_C");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Interior");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Something");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Some text");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      date");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        28.09.09");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: CheckNode - detailed output
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Document (line: 1, col: 1)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Element: MyContainer (line: 1, col: 1)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Element: Group_A (line: 2, col: 5)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: Vector (line: 3, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 1, as int: 1, as double: 1 (line: 3, col: 17)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      date: 01.07.09, as int: 1, as double: 1.07 (line: 3, col: 24)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      time: 09:15:12.234, as int: 9, as double: 9 (line: 3, col: 40)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.0258, as int: 0, as double: 0.0258 (line: 3, col: 60)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      4 attributes");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: This is the text of the first vector element (line: 3, col: 79)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Element: x (line: 4, col: 13)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Text: 3.14235 (line: 4, col: 16)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: Vector (line: 6, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 2, as int: 2, as double: 2 (line: 6, col: 17)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      date: 01.07.09, as int: 1, as double: 1.07 (line: 6, col: 24)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      time: 09:15:12.234, as int: 9, as double: 9 (line: 6, col: 40)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.0258, as int: 0, as double: 0.0258 (line: 6, col: 60)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      4 attributes");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: This is the text of the second vector element (line: 6, col: 79)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Element: x (line: 7, col: 13)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Text: 3.14235 (line: 7, col: 16)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: Vector (line: 9, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 3, as int: 3, as double: 3 (line: 9, col: 17)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 1.357, as int: 1, as double: 1.357 (line: 9, col: 24)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      2 attributes");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Element: x (line: 10, col: 13)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Text: 6.28532 (line: 10, col: 16)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Element: Group_B (line: 13, col: 5)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: x (line: 14, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: 1.23456 (line: 14, col: 12)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: x (line: 15, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: 2.3581 (line: 15, col: 12)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: x (line: 16, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: 3.132437 (line: 16, col: 12)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: x (line: 17, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: 4.987654 (line: 17, col: 12)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: x (line: 18, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Text: 5.29741 (line: 18, col: 12)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Element: Group_C (line: 20, col: 5)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Element: Interior (line: 21, col: 9)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Element: Something (line: 22, col: 13)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Text: Some text (line: 22, col: 24)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Element: date (line: 23, col: 13)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Text: 28.09.09 (line: 23, col: 19)");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckNode - ignore attributes and nodes, define double values with precision"
 Ignore attributes 'date' and 'time' and node 'date'
 Attribute 'tolerance' is a double with precision 3
 Node 'x' is a double with precision 4
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("MyContainer");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_A");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 1");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.026");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      This is the text of the first vector element");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        3.1424");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 2");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 0.026");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      This is the text of the second vector element");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        3.1424");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      id: 3");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      tolerance: 1.357");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        6.2853");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_B");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      1.2346");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      2.3581");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      3.1324");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      4.9877");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      5.2974");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_C");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Interior");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Something");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Some text");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckNode - ignore complete subtree 'Group_A' "
 Furthermore set precision for 'x' to 1

 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("MyContainer");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_B");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      1.2");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      2.4");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      3.1");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      5.0");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    x");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      5.3");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  Group_C");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    Interior");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("      Something");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("        Some text");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - only Group_B (/MyContainer/Group_B)"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    1.23456");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    2.3581");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    3.132437");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    4.987654");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    5.29741");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - first x element within Group_B (/MyContainer/Group_B/x)"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  1.23456");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - third x element within Group_B (/MyContainer/Group_B/x[3])"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  3.132437");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - second vector element of Group_A (/MyContainer/Group_A/Vector[2])"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  id: 2");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  date: 01.07.09");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  time: 09:15:12.234");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  tolerance: 0.0258");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  This is the text of the second vector element");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    3.14235");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - last vector element of Group_A (/MyContainer/Group_A/Vector[last()])"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  id: 3");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  tolerance: 1.357");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    6.28532");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "CheckSubNode with XPath - relative to subtree via SubNodeFromXPath (/MyContainer/Group_A, Vector[last())"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Vector");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  id: 3");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("  tolerance: 1.357");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("    6.28532");
 ---- TEST_EVENT check section
 Leaving test case "TestCheckNode"; testing time: 47ms
 Entering test case "TestCompare"
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - with/without use of TestEvents)"
 Comparing two XML trees without differences (with TestEvents)
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("XML-Compare: no differences found");
 Comparing two XML trees without differences (without TestEvents)
 XML-Compare: no differences found
 Comparing two XML trees without differences - now suppressing OK message
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - detection of first difference"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Difference detected");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("A: time: 09:15:12.234 (line: 3 col: 34, path: //MyContainer/Group_A/Vector)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("B: time: 09:30:12.234 (line: 5 col: 34, path: //MyContainer/Group_A/Vector)");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - ignoring 'time'"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Difference detected");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("A: tolerance: 0.0258 (line: 7 col: 54, path: //MyContainer/Group_A/Vector)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("B: tolerance: 0.8258 (line: 9 col: 54, path: //MyContainer/Group_A/Vector)");
 ---- TEST_EVENT next section: "Compare - using XPath to compare subtrees (/MyContainer/Group_B)"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("Difference detected");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("A: 3.132437 (line: 18 col: 8, path: //MyContainer/Group_B/x/3.132437/)");
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: TTB_EXP("B: 12.132437 (line: 20 col: 8, path: //MyContainer/Group_B/x/12.132437/)");
 For more test cases see also projects TestXmlCheckBasic,TestXmlCheckWithExtensionsForBoost
 ---- TEST_EVENT check section
 Leaving test case "TestCompare"; testing time: 47ms
 Entering test case "Cleanup"
 Test case Cleanup doesn't include any assertions
 Leaving test case "Cleanup"
 Leaving test suite "Master Test Suite"
 No errors detected
See also:
TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions.cpp (file documentation)
Using XmlCheck (usage documentation)
Generated on Fri May 27 22:52:54 2011 for TestToolBox by  doxygen 1.6.3