CheckerForMultipleSequences.h [code] | |
CheckerForMultipleSequencesImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class CheckerForMultipleSequences |
Environment.h [code] | |
EnvironmentImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class Environment |
errorevents.h [code] | |
ErrorEventsImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class ErrorEvents |
EventReceiverStdOut.h [code] | |
IEventReceiver.h [code] | |
IProtocol.h [code] | Interface to write textual output to a protocol file |
ISynchronizer.h [code] | Interface to interact with a Synchronizer object |
PerformanceDataSet.h [code] | |
PerformanceDataSetImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class PerformanceDataSet |
PollingCheck.h [code] | |
PollingCheckImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class PollingCheck |
Protocol.h [code] | |
ProtocolImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class Protocol |
Runner.h [code] | |
RunnerImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class Runner |
Synchronizer.h [code] | |
SynchronizerImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class Synchronizer |
TestEvents.h [code] | |
TestEventsImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class TestEvents |
TestInstanceDll.h [code] | |
TestStream.h [code] | |
TestStreamImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class TestStream |
TestTime.h [code] | |
TestTimeImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class TestTime |
TestToolBox.h [code] | Declaration of all relevant classes of TestToolBox |
TestToolBoxImpl.h [code] | Implementation of complete TestToolBox |
XmlCheck.h [code] | |
XmlCheckImpl.h [code] | Implementation of class XmlCheck |
CommonSources/commondefinitions.h [code] | Macros and general definitions
CommonSources/ObjectLock.h [code] | Implementation of an automatic lock mechanism using an critical section |
CommonSources/OptionalIncludeForWindows.h [code] | Allows optional suppressing of windows header using define TTB_NO_WINDOWS_HEADER |
doc/MainPage.h [code] | Main page of the generated documentation |
ExtensionsForBoostTest/BoostDefaultTestEnvironment.h [code] | |
ExtensionsForBoostTest/BoostEventReceiverForSynchronizer.h [code] | Implementation of class BoostTestEventSinkForSynchronizer Event message sink receiving events from Synchronizer and generating appropriate Boost error events |
ExtensionsForBoostTest/BoostEventReceiverForTestEvents.h [code] | Implementation of class BoostTestEventSinkForTestEvents. Event message sink receiving events from TestEvents and generating appropriate Boost error events |
ScanPerfCounters/Kopie von ScanPerfCounters.cpp | |
ScanPerfCounters/ScanPerfCounters.cpp | |
Test/DemoApp/DemoApp.cpp | |
Test/TestEnvironment/TestEnvironment.cpp | |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/callbackfromsimpleobject.h [code] | Class CallBackFromSimpleObjectis a call back object with interface ICallBackFromSimpleObject to receive calls from SimpleObject |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/stdafx.cpp | Part of demo application |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/stdafx.h [code] | Part of demo application |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/TestExtensionsForBoostTest.cpp | |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/SourcesToTest/ISimpleObject.h [code] | Interface ISimpleObject with callback ICallBackFromSimpleObject is used within the demo test aplication |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/SourcesToTest/SimpleObject.cpp | Implementation of class SimpleObject |
Test/TestExtensionsForBoostTest/SourcesToTest/SimpleObject.h [code] | Class SimpleObject with synchronous, asynchronous and blocking interface methods which are used to demonstrate the usage of test utilities |
Test/TestPerformanceDataSet/TestPerformanceDataSet.cpp | |
Test/TestPollingCheck/TestPollingCheck.cpp | |
Test/TestRunner/CallbackFromSimpleObject.h [code] | Class CallBackFromSimpleObjectis a call back object with interface ICallBackFromSimpleObject to receive calls from SimpleObject |
Test/TestRunner/stdafx.h [code] | |
Test/TestRunner/targetver.h [code] | |
Test/TestRunner/SourcesToTest/ISimpleObject.h [code] | Interface ISimpleObject with callback ICallBackFromSimpleObject is used within demo test application "TestRunner" |
Test/TestRunner/SourcesToTest/SimpleObject.cpp | Implementation of class SimpleObject |
Test/TestRunner/SourcesToTest/SimpleObject.h [code] | Class SimpleObject with synchronous, asynchronous and blocking interface methods which are used to demonstrate the usage of test utilities |
Test/TestWithDlls/ExampleDll/ExampleDll.cpp | Implementation of ExampleDLL |
Test/TestWithDlls/ExampleDll/ExampleDll.h [code] | |
Test/TestWithDlls/ExampleDll/stdafx.h [code] | |
Test/TestWithDlls/TestEnvWithMultipleDlls/stdafx.h [code] | |
Test/TestWithDlls/TestEnvWithMultipleDlls/TestEnvWithMultipleDlls.cpp | |
Test/TestXmlCheckBasic/stdafx.h [code] | |
Test/TestXmlCheckBasic/TestXmlCheckBasic.cpp | |
Test/TestXmlCheckWithBoost/stdafx.h [code] | |
Test/TestXmlCheckWithBoost/TestXmlCheckWithBoost.cpp | |
Test/TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions/stdafx.h [code] | |
Test/TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions/TestXmlCheckWithBoostExtensions.cpp | |
TestInstanceDll/stdafx.h [code] | |
TestInstanceDll/TestInstanceDll.cpp | Implementation of TestInstanceDll |
TimedExec/TimedExec.cpp |