[Test applications]

Win32 console application "TestExtensionsForBoostTest.exe" demonstrates the running of a unit test with Boost.Test lib and some extension features. More...

Collaboration diagram for TestExtensionsForBoost:

Win32 console application "TestExtensionsForBoostTest.exe" demonstrates the running of a unit test with Boost.Test lib and some extension features.

The features contain:

Example: Run without specific command line arguments

Console output:

 CmdLineOptions : -suppressErrorTestCases
 Generic test protocol template / TestToolBox (TTB) 2010
                     T E S T   P R O T O C O L
 Date              : 10.01.2010 13:29:59
 Test application  : C:\My Target\debug\TestExtensionsForBoostTest.exe
 Test protocol     : C:\My Target\debug\TestExtensionsForBoostTest.out
 Test report       : C:\My Target\debug\TestExtensionsForBoostTest.rpt
 Source path       : c:\userdata\gerald\sw\c\testtoolbox
 Command line args : -suppressErrorTestCases
 Run on computer   : SIRIUS
 Run by            : Gerald
 Running 8 test cases...
 Test: TestCase_WaitForSingleAsyncAnswer
 Test: TestCase_WaitForMultipleAsyncAnswers
 Test: TestCase_VariableSequenceOfReactions
 Test: BaseTestCase_Events_FixedSequence
 Test: BaseTestCase_Events_VariableSequence
 Test: BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Generate
 Test: BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Chains
 Test: BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Configuration
 Test started    : 10.01.2010 13:29:59
 Test ended      : 10.01.2010 13:29:59
 Duration        :            00:00:00,016
 Tests performed : 8
 Tests failed    : 0
 No error detected!
 No errors detected

Tets protocol (TestExtensionsForBoost.out):

 Test: TestCase_WaitForSingleAsyncAnswer
 Calling CalcAsync(7)
 (Waiting for asynchronous result via callback)
 >CallBack-Result: 14
 Test: TestCase_WaitForMultipleAsyncAnswers
 <so.CalcSync          2
 >CallBack-Result: 4
 <so.CalcSync          33
 >CallBack-Result: 66

Example: Minimum console output, no protocol files

Console output:

 CmdLineOptions : -noProtocol -suppressErrorTestCases
 Running 8 test cases...
 No errors detected

Example: More output from BOOST, no protocol files

Console output:

 CmdLineOptions : -noProtocol -detailedLog 0 --log_level=test_suite -suppressErrorTestCases
 Running 8 test cases...
 Entering test suite "Master Test Suite"
 Entering test suite "All my test suites"
 Entering test suite "Testing asynchronous reactions"
 Entering test case "TestCase_WaitForSingleAsyncAnswer"
 Leaving test case "TestCase_WaitForSingleAsyncAnswer"
 Entering test case "TestCase_WaitForMultipleAsyncAnswers"
 Leaving test case "TestCase_WaitForMultipleAsyncAnswers"
 Entering test case "TestCase_VariableSequenceOfReactions"
 Leaving test case "TestCase_VariableSequenceOfReactions"
 Entering test case "BaseTestCase_Events_FixedSequence"
 Leaving test case "BaseTestCase_Events_FixedSequence"
 Entering test case "BaseTestCase_Events_VariableSequence"
 Leaving test case "BaseTestCase_Events_VariableSequence"
 Leaving test suite "Testing asynchronous reactions"
 Entering test suite "Testing error chains"
 Entering test case "BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Generate"
 Leaving test case "BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Generate"
 Entering test case "BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Chains"
 Leaving test case "BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Chains"
 Entering test case "BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Configuration"
 Leaving test case "BaseTestCase_ErrorEvents_Configuration"
 Leaving test suite "Testing error chains"
 Leaving test suite "All my test suites"
 Leaving test suite "Master Test Suite"
 Running 8 test cases...
 No errors detected

Example: More output from BOOST and TestToolBox, no protocol files

Console output:

 CmdLineOptions : -noProtocol -detailedLog 1 --log_level=test_suite -suppressErrorTestCases
 Running 8 test cases...
 Entering test suite "Master Test Suite"
 Entering test suite "All my test suites"
 Entering test suite "Testing asynchronous reactions"
 Entering test case "TestCase_WaitForSingleAsyncAnswer"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Calling CalcAsync(7)
 (Waiting for asynchronous result via callback)
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: CallBack-Result: 14
 Leaving test case "TestCase_WaitForSingleAsyncAnswer"
 Entering test case "TestCase_WaitForMultipleAsyncAnswers"
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Cmd: so.CalcSync 2
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: CallBack-Result: 4
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Cmd: so.CalcSync 33
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: CallBack-Result: 66
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Cmd: so.CalcSync 99
 TEST_EVENT: INFO: Act: CallBack-Result: 198
 Leaving test case "TestCase_WaitForMultipleAsyncAnswers"
 Leaving test suite "Testing error chains"
 Leaving test suite "All my test suites"
 Leaving test suite "Master Test Suite"
 No errors detected


You can try other combinations of command line params to receive the output as needed.

See also:
TestExtensionsForBoostTest.cpp (file documentation)
Using TestEnvironmentForBoost (usage documentation)
Generated on Fri May 27 22:52:20 2011 for TestToolBox by  doxygen 1.6.3