Typical test activities


List available test cases and select for execution

Typically you will use TestExecWindow to get an overview of available test cases contained within a test application. By selecting a single test suite or a single test case and then pushing "Run selected" TestExecWindow will automatically set appropriate command line parameters and start the corresponding test case.

It depends on the structure of your specific test application if test suites or test cases can be executed independently from each other. If this is not the case you should think about improving your test application. A good advise could be to ensure that at least each test suite could be executed alone.

TestExecWindow supports you to check which test suites or test cases can already run independently. By pushing "Run each" TestExecWindow will start your test executable separately for each item in the list of test suites or test cases. The result of each call to your test application is displayed within the log pane together with the used command line params.

If you simply want to execute all test cases as quick as possible it is recommended to use button "Run" at the top of the window. In this case your test application will be started only once to execute all tests.

Searching for errors, extending test cases

If you want to extend your test cases or you want to search the reason for some test failure the following features may be useful:

Batch testing and automatic shutdown

After some time or when you are working within a team there may be a greater number of test applications and test cases. It is a good idea to execute all unit tests within the nightly or weekly build you may have introduced. You should care for a sufficient level of test output or a detailed test protocol to have enough information for later analysis of possible errors.

TestExecWin also offers the possibility to execute an arbitrary set of test applications in batch mode (for details see Batch file support). This feature may be useful in the following situations:

Ignoring memory leaks

Sometimes you may want to extend or repair functional test cases and you don't want to solve memory leaks also occuring during testing. Possibly circumstances:

But the leaks may cause the following problems when executing test cases:

You must understand that the suppressing of memory leak detection has two steps: