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Providing results - std::promise/future

[Accessing results] [The shared state] [Most used features]

Thread function stores result within a promise

A thread function can store its results and also exceptions within a std::promise:

// A promise holding a specific result type
typedef std::promise<SomeResult> MyPromise;
void DoProcessSomething(MyPromise& io_rPromise, int in_val)
SomeResult result = CalculateResult(in_val);
// Store result within promise
catch (...)
// Store exception within promise

Remark: You can only store a value OR an exception.

Accessing results with use of a future

typedef std::promise<SomeResult> MyPromise;
typedef std::future<SomeResult> MyFuture;
// Start thread and provide a promise
MyPromise myPromise;
std::thread t(DoSomething, std::ref(myPromise), 17);
// Get future to access results
MyFuture myFuture (myPromise.get_future());
// Finally wait until thread has provided result
SomeResult result = myFuture.get();
// Remark: an exception stored within the promise
// may be rethrown here!
catch (std::exception const & e)
catch (...)

Behind the scenes: the shared state


Most used features

Methods of std::future

Method Description
f.valid() returns true if the future has a valid state. Only in this case the following functions are available
f.get() returns the result/exception provided by the thread function; performs a blocking wait if the thread function has not yet finished; a deferred thread execution may be started here. The call will invalidate the state, i.e. f.get() can only be called once!
f.wait() performs a blocking wait if the thread function has not yet finished; a deferred thread execution may be started here.
f.wait_for(chrono::seconds(1.5)) performs a blocking wait until the thread function has finished or the given timeout has elapsed; a deferred thread execution is NOT started.

For more info see std::future - complete reference at

Methods of std::promise

Method Description
p.get_future() returns a future object to be used for accessing the result stored within the promise
p.set_value(v) sets the given value as return value within the shared state and makes the state ready
p.set_value_at_thread_exit(v) sets the given value as return value within the shared state and makes the state ready at the end of the thread
p.set_exception(e) sets the given exception within the shared state and makes the state ready
p.set_exception_at_thread_exit(e) sets the given exception within the shared state and makes the state ready at the end of the thread

For more info see std::promise - complete reference at