Sometimes you are only interested on specific parts of an XML tree. You can use functionality of XmlCheck and XPath expressions to select the data to be checked.
Sample data:
static const std::string SHORT_DEMO = R"(
<Child Id="1001">Contents of child 1</Child>
<Child Id="1002">Contents of child 2</Child>
<Child Id="1003">Contents of child 3</Child>
<Child Id="1004">Contents of child 4>
<SubChild color="red">Red contents</SubChild>
<SubChild color="blue">Blue contents</SubChild>
<SubChild color="green">Green contents</SubChild>
<Child Id="1005">Contents of child 5</Child>
Check first child element
XmlCheck::CheckSubNode implicitly looks for the first found node of a given name:
pugi::xml_document doc;
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->ReadFromString(doc, SHORT_DEMO);
TTB_INFO("Check first child (using relative xpath starting from root node)");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNode(doc, "Child");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1001");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 1");
Check second child element
Using XPath expression "SomeNodeName[2]" you can address the position of the element you are interested in:
TTB_INFO("\nCheck only second child (using separate call to NodeFromXPath with relative xpath)");
pugi::xml_node subNode = TTB::TheXmlCheck()->NodeFromXPath(doc.document_element(), "Child[2]");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1002");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 2");
TTB_INFO("\nCheck only second child (using absolute xpath)");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNode(doc, "/SomeNode/Child[2]");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1002");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 2");
Check first three child elements
XmlCheck::CheckSubNodeWithMaxChilds offers the possibility to check only a limited number of child entries:
TTB_INFO("\nCheck the first three childs");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNodeWithMaxChilds(3, doc, "/SomeNode");
TTB_EXP(" Child");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1001");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 1");
TTB_EXP(" Child");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1002");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 2");
TTB_EXP(" Child");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1003");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 3");
Check last child element
Using XPath expression "SomeNodeName[last()]" you can search for the last child element:
TTB_INFO("\nCheck last child");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNode(doc, "Child[last()]");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1005");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 5");
Check only elements with given attribute values
Using XPath expression "SomeNodeName[@someAttributeName='someValue']" you can search for a child element with a specific attribute value:
TTB_INFO("\nCheck child with attribute Id=1003");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNode(doc, "Child[@Id='1003']");
TTB_EXP(" Id: 1003");
TTB_EXP(" Contents of child 3");
TTB_INFO("\nCheck blue subchild of 4th child");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNode(doc, "Child[4]/SubChild[@color='green']");
TTB_EXP(" color: green");
TTB_EXP(" Green contents");
TTB_INFO("\nCheck not existing black subchild of 4th child");
TTB::TheXmlCheck()->CheckSubNode(doc, "Child[4]/SubChild[@color='black']");