How To Use
 All Modules Pages
How to establish links between pages


 Hidden page files
 Inspect source doc file: ExampleWithPagesAndSections.markdown
 Inspect source doc file: ExampleWithPagesAndSectionsSubTopicTwo.markdown
 Inspect source doc file: ExampleWithGroupsAndSubGroups.markdown
 Inspect source doc file: ExampleWithGroupsAndSubGroupsSubTopicTwo.markdown
 AboutDemoPage - Some other topic (groups and subgroups)

Detailed Description



Working with pages (page, subpage, section, subsection, TOC)

How to structure hierarchy

Your topic can be organized as pages and subpages, each of which build a single visible page in the generated document. Pages may or may not be organized in different files. Each page can be defined as a subpage within exactly one parent page. Principle: parent page defines contained subpages.

Each page has an internal structure consisting of sections and subsections. You can add an automatically generated table of contents by adding "[TOC]" somewhere within your page.

Definition of a parent page:

// MyMainTopic.markdown
\page PageMainTopic Some main title
// define subpages if existing
− \subpage PageSubTopicA\subpage PageSubTopicB
\section SecTopA  Some headline
\subsection SubSecTopA_1 Another headline

Definition of a subpage:

// MySubTopicA.markdown
\page PageSubTopicA Some title
\section SecSubTopA_HeaderA  Some headline
\subsection SubSecSubTopA_HeaderA_1 Another headline

Example page: AboutDemoPage - Some Topic (pages and sections)



Links to example pages

Working with groups and headlines (group, ingroup)

How to structure hierarchy

Your topic can be organized as groups and subgroups, each of which build a single visible page in the generated document. Groups may or may not be organized in different files. Each group can be defined as a subgroup within exactly one parent group. Principle: Subgroup defines parent group it belongs to.

Each page has an internal structure consisting of head lines of differing levels. Headlines can be written as simple underlined text, with prefixes "#" or with html tags.

Definition of a parent page:

// MyMainTopic.markdown
\defgroup GrpMainTopic Some main title
Some headline
Another headline

Definition of a subpage:

// MySubTopicA.markdown
\defgroup GrpSubTopicA Some title
\ingroup GrpMainTopic
Some headline
Another headline

Example page: AboutDemoPage - Some other topic (groups and subgroups)



Links to example pages