// Copyright(C) 2022 Gerald Fahrnholz
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Contact: http://www.gerald-fahrnholz.eu/impressum.php
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
namespace TestExecWin_VS2022
/// [derive from notification interfaces]
/// Class derives from notification interfaces to get
/// informed when user performs changes within Visual Studio.
class VisualStudioConnector
: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsSelectionEvents
, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsUpdateSolutionEvents
/// [derive from notification interfaces]
public static EnvDTE80.DTE2 dte;
private EnvDTE.Project m_startupProj = null;
private IVsMonitorSelection m_monitorSelection = null;
private uint m_selectionEventsCookie = 0;
private IVsSolutionBuildManager m_solutionBuildManager = null;
private uint m_updateSolutionEventsCookie = 0;
private IMainEvents m_mainEvents;
private IEventReceiver m_evenReceiver;
private bool m_buildStartedByMe = false;
private int m_numFailedProjects = 0;
private string m_platFormStartupProject= "";
public VisualStudioConnector(IMainEvents in_mainEvents, IEventReceiver in_eventReceiver)
m_mainEvents = in_mainEvents;
m_evenReceiver = in_eventReceiver;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "DisconnectFromVisualStudio: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [connect with VS]
private void ConnectWithVisualStudio()
bool connectedToSelectionEvents = false;
bool connectedToUpdateSolutionEvents = false;
// Advise to selection events (e.g. startup project changed)
m_monitorSelection = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.
GetService(typeof(SVsShellMonitorSelection)) as IVsMonitorSelection;
if (m_monitorSelection != null)
this, out m_selectionEventsCookie);
connectedToSelectionEvents = true;
WriteLine(1, "ConnectWithVisualStudio: GetService(SVsShellMonitorSelection) failed!");
// Advise to update solution events (e.g. switched debug/release configuration)
m_solutionBuildManager = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.
GetService(typeof(SVsSolutionBuildManager)) as IVsSolutionBuildManager;
if (m_solutionBuildManager != null)
this, out m_updateSolutionEventsCookie);
connectedToUpdateSolutionEvents = true;
WriteLine(1, "ConnectWithVisualStudio: GetService(SVsSolutionBuildManager) failed!");
if (connectedToSelectionEvents && connectedToUpdateSolutionEvents)
WriteLine(1, "ConnectWithVisualStudio succeeded");
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "ConnectWithVisualStudio failed: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [connect with VS]
/// [disconnect from VS]
/// Release all connections to Visual Studio.
/// This function is called from Dispose method of main app class TestExecWindow
public void DisconnectFromVisualStudio()
if (m_monitorSelection != null && m_selectionEventsCookie != 0)
if (m_solutionBuildManager != null && m_updateSolutionEventsCookie != 0)
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "DisconnectFromVisualStudio: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [disconnect from VS]
/// Read all relevant project settings
public bool ReadSettingsOfStartupProject(ProjectInfo projectInfo)
WriteLine(3, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-Begin");
if (dte == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte is null (checking for startup project is not possible)");
return false;
if (dte.Solution == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte.Solution is null (checking for startup project is not possible)");
return false;
if (dte.Solution.SolutionBuild == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte.Solution.SolutionBuild is null (checking for startup project is not possible)");
return false;
if (dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration is null (checking for startup project is not possible)");
return false;
projectInfo.solutionFullPath = dte.Solution.FileName;
/// [get config name]
//Get name of config (e.g. "Debug", "Release")
string configName = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration.Name;
/// [get config name]
string msg = "";
/// [get name startup project]
EnvDTE80.SolutionBuild2 sb = (EnvDTE80.SolutionBuild2)dte.Solution.SolutionBuild;
if (sb == null)
WriteLine(1, "SolutionBuild is null (checking for startup project is not possible)");
return false;
// sb.StartupProjects is an array of project file names. Usually we expect
// only a single project name within the array.
// Name is of the format "..\Test\TestRunner\TestRunner.vcxproj"
if (sb.StartupProjects == null)
WriteLine(2, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End: StartupProjects not available");
return false;
foreach (String item in (Array)sb.StartupProjects)
msg += item;
WriteLine(3, "startupProjects=" + msg);
// for further processing extract the name without path and extension
// e.g. nameStartupProject = "TestRunner"
// (extraction code not shown here)
/// [get name startup project]
int posLast = msg.LastIndexOf(".");
if (posLast >= 0)
msg = msg.Substring(0, posLast);
WriteLine(3, "startupProjects=" + msg);
int posFirst = msg.LastIndexOf("\\");
if (posFirst >= 0)
msg = msg.Substring(posFirst + 1);
String nameStartupProject = msg;
WriteLine(3, "nameStartupProject=" + nameStartupProject);
// To simple solution which does not work for startup projects within a filter
//EnvDTE.Project startupProj = dte.Solution.Item(msg);
/// [get startup project]
// Perform recursive search for the startup project through all solution filters:
EnvDTE.Project startupProj = FindProject(nameStartupProject);
/// [get startup project]
if (startupProj == null)
WriteLine(1, "No startup project found");
WriteLine(3, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End: no startup project found");
return false;
m_startupProj = startupProj;
projectInfo.project = startupProj.Name;
projectInfo.config = configName;
projectInfo.sourceDirPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(startupProj.FullName);
WriteLine(2, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: project=" + projectInfo.project + " - " + projectInfo.config);
WriteLine(2, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: projectPath=" + projectInfo.sourceDirPath);
EnvDTE.ConfigurationManager cm = startupProj.ConfigurationManager;
if (cm == null)
WriteLine(1, "No ConfigurationManager found");
WriteLine(3, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End: no ConfigurationManager found");
return false;
if (cm.ActiveConfiguration == null)
WriteLine(1, "No ActiveConfiguration found");
WriteLine(3, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End: no ActiveConfiguration found");
return false;
m_platFormStartupProject = cm.ActiveConfiguration.PlatformName;
projectInfo.platform = m_platFormStartupProject;
WriteLine(2, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: platform=" + projectInfo.platform);
EnvDTE.Properties props = cm.ActiveConfiguration.Properties;
if (props != null)
WriteLine(2, "Now iterating over ActiveConfiguration.Properties...");
// Scan properties of ActiveConfiguration to be used for future extended requests
msg = "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: ActiveConfiguration.Properties";
foreach (EnvDTE.Property p in props)
msg += " " + p.Name;
WriteLine(2, msg);
//projectInfo.targetDirPath = startupProj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Item("OutputPath").Value.ToString();
//msg = "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: OutputPath=" + projectInfo.targetDirPath;
//WriteLine(2, msg);
/// [get exe path]
// Get full path of executable depending on found
// startup project and configuration (Debug/Release)
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCProject vcProj = null;
vcProj = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCProject)startupProj.Object;
if (vcProj ==null)
WriteLine(1, "Project is not of type VCProject and is not supported!");
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(2, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
WriteLine(1, "Project is not of type VCProject and is not supported!");
return false;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.IVCCollection configs =
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCConfiguration config =
FindConfig(configs, configName, m_platFormStartupProject);
if (config == null)
WriteLine(1, "Config " + configName + " not found");
return false;
msg = "PrimaryOutput (FullExePath)=" + config.PrimaryOutput;
WriteLine(2, msg);
/// [get exe path]
projectInfo.fullExePath = config.PrimaryOutput;
string delimiter = "/\\";
int posPathEnd = projectInfo.fullExePath.LastIndexOfAny(delimiter.ToCharArray());
if (posPathEnd > 0)
projectInfo.targetDirPath = projectInfo.fullExePath.Substring(0, posPathEnd);
msg = "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: OutputPath=" + projectInfo.targetDirPath;
WriteLine(2, msg);
// Scan properties to be used for future extended requests
msg = "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: startupProj.Properties";
foreach (EnvDTE.Property p in startupProj.Properties)
msg += " " + p.Name;
WriteLine(3, msg);
//msg = "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject: ActiveConfiguration.Properties";
//foreach (EnvDTE.Property p in startupProj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties)
// msg += " " + p.Name;
//WriteLine(3, msg);
//msg = "CommandArguments=";
//msg += startupProj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Item("CommandArguments").Value.ToString();
//WriteLine(3, msg);
WriteLine(3, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End");
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "ReadSettingsOfStartupProject-End: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
return false;
return true;
public void BuildProject()
// Verify that build is not yet running
EnvDTE.SolutionBuild sb = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild;
WriteLine(2, "BuildProject: Current BuildState is " + sb.BuildState.ToString());
if (sb.BuildState == EnvDTE.vsBuildState.vsBuildStateInProgress)
WriteLine(1, "A build is already in progress");
// Register for build notifications
dte.Events.BuildEvents.OnBuildDone -= BuildEvents_OnBuildDone;
dte.Events.BuildEvents.OnBuildDone += BuildEvents_OnBuildDone;
dte.Events.BuildEvents.OnBuildProjConfigDone -= BuildEvents_OnBuildProjConfigDone;
dte.Events.BuildEvents.OnBuildProjConfigDone += BuildEvents_OnBuildProjConfigDone;
// Start build
m_buildStartedByMe = true;
m_numFailedProjects = 0;
WriteLine(2, "BuildProject started...");
catch (Exception ex)
m_buildStartedByMe = false;
WriteLine(1, "BuildProject failed\nEXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
private void BuildEvents_OnBuildProjConfigDone(string project, string projectConfig, string platform, string solutionConfig, bool success)
WriteLine(2, "BuildEvents_OnBuildProjConfigDone: project=" + project + " projectConfig= " + projectConfig + " platform=" + platform
+ " solutionConfig=" + solutionConfig + " success=" + success);
if (!success && m_buildStartedByMe)
WriteLine(1, "ERROR: Build failed for project " + project);
private void BuildEvents_OnBuildDone(EnvDTE.vsBuildScope scope, EnvDTE.vsBuildAction action)
WriteLine(2, "BuildEvents_OnBuildDone: scope=" + scope.ToString() + " action=" + action.ToString());
if (!m_buildStartedByMe)
WriteLine(2, "BuildEvents_OnBuildDone: event ignored, build was not started by me!");
m_mainEvents.OnBuildTerminated(m_numFailedProjects == 0);
m_buildStartedByMe = false;
public void StopBuildingProject()
// Verify that build is running and was started by me
EnvDTE.SolutionBuild sb = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild;
WriteLine(2, "StopBuildingProject: Current BuildState is " + sb.BuildState.ToString() + " startedByMe=" + m_buildStartedByMe.ToString());
if (sb.BuildState == EnvDTE.vsBuildState.vsBuildStateInProgress && m_buildStartedByMe)
WriteLine(1, "Stopping build...");
WriteLine(2, "StopBuildingProject: nothing to do");
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "StopBuildingProject failed\nEXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [start debugging]
public void StartDebugging(string in_cmdLineParams)
if (m_startupProj != null)
string cmdLineParams = "";
if (in_cmdLineParams != null)
cmdLineParams = in_cmdLineParams;
// Item("CommandArguments").Value = cmdLineParams;
string configName = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration.Name;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCProject vcProj =
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.IVCCollection configs =
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCConfiguration config =
FindConfig(configs, configName, m_platFormStartupProject);
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCDebugSettings dbgSettings =
dbgSettings.CommandArguments = cmdLineParams;
WriteLine(2, "StartDebugging: now starting debugger with dbgSettings.CommandArguments=" + dbgSettings.CommandArguments);
dte.Debugger.Go(false /* do not wait for end of debugging*/);
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "Could not start debugging\nEXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [start debugging]
/// [open text file]
public void OpenFile(string in_fullFilePath, int in_lineNum = 0)
WriteLine(3, "OpenFile " + in_fullFilePath + " line " + in_lineNum);
dte.ItemOperations.OpenFile(in_fullFilePath, EnvDTE.Constants.vsViewKindTextView);
if (in_lineNum>0)
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "Could not open file " + in_fullFilePath + "\nEXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [open text file]
public string GetExecutablesFromCurrentSolution()
WriteLine(3, "GetExecutablesFromCurrentSolution-Begin");
if (dte == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte is null (checking for projects is not possible)");
return "";
if (dte.Solution == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte.Solution is null (checking for projects is not possible)");
return "";
if (dte.Solution.SolutionBuild == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte.Solution.SolutionBuild is null (checking for projects is not possible)");
return "";
if (dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration == null)
WriteLine(1, "dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration is null (checking for projects is not possible)");
return "";
string configName = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration.Name;
var projects = dte.Solution.Projects;
if (projects==null)
WriteLine(2, "GetExecutablesFromCurrentSolution-End: projects not available");
return "";
List<string> executables = new List<string>();
foreach (EnvDTE.Project project in projects)
if (project != null)
AddProjectRecursive(project, configName, executables);
WriteLine(2, "GetExecutablesFromCurrentSolution-End numExecutablesFound=" + executables.Count);
string executablesAsString = "";
foreach (string executable in executables)
executablesAsString += executable + "\n";
return executablesAsString;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "GetExecutablesFromCurrentSolution-End: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
return "";
private void AddProjectRecursive(EnvDTE.Project project, string configName, List<string> foundExecutables)
if (project == null)
WriteLine(3, "AddProjectRecursive: found project.Name= " + project.Name + " project.Kind=" + project.Kind);
if (project.Kind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectKindSolutionItems)
WriteLine(3, "AddProjectRecursive: found solution item " + project.Name);
foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems)
EnvDTE.Project realProject = item.Object as EnvDTE.Project;
if (realProject != null)
AddProjectRecursive(realProject, configName, foundExecutables);
else // may be real project
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCProject vcProj = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCProject)project.Object;
if (vcProj == null)
WriteLine(3, "AddProjectRecursive/may be real project: vcProj == null");
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.IVCCollection configs = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.IVCCollection)vcProj.Configurations;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCConfiguration config = FindConfig(configs, configName, m_platFormStartupProject);
if (config == null)
WriteLine(3, "AddProjectRecursive/may be real project: config == null (configName=" + configName + " " + m_platFormStartupProject + ")");
string outputPath = config.PrimaryOutput;
string tmpOutputPath = outputPath.ToLower();
if ((tmpOutputPath.Length > 0) && (tmpOutputPath.IndexOf(".exe") == tmpOutputPath.Length - 4))
WriteLine(3, "AddProjectRecursive: Found project: " + project.Name + " exe: " + outputPath);
WriteLine(3, "AddProjectRecursive: Ignored project: " + project.Name + " is no exe: " + outputPath);
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "AddProjectRecursive: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
/// [listen to changed startup project]
// ----- Interface IVsSelectionEvents -----
// Check for notification about changed startup project
int IVsSelectionEvents.OnElementValueChanged(
uint elementid, object varValueOld, object varValueNew)
if (elementid == (uint)VSConstants.VSSELELEMID.SEID_StartupProject)
// When startup project is set in solution explorer a complete refresh is triggered
if (varValueNew != null)
WriteLine(2, "Detected new StartupProject");
return VSConstants.S_OK;
// All other events from IVsSelectionEvents are ignored.
// Eventhandler functions simply return OK status.
int IVsSelectionEvents.OnCmdUIContextChanged(
uint dwCmdUICookie, int fActive)
return VSConstants.S_OK;
/// ...
/// [listen to changed startup project]
int IVsSelectionEvents.OnSelectionChanged(IVsHierarchy pHierOld, uint itemidOld, IVsMultiItemSelect pMISOld, ISelectionContainer pSCOld, IVsHierarchy pHierNew, uint itemidNew, IVsMultiItemSelect pMISNew, ISelectionContainer pSCNew)
return VSConstants.S_OK;
/// [listen to switched debug/release configuration]
// ----- Interface IVsUpdateSolutionEvents -----
int IVsUpdateSolutionEvents.OnActiveProjectCfgChange(IVsHierarchy pIVsHierarchy)
WriteLine(2, "Detected OnActiveProjectCfgChange");
return VSConstants.S_OK;
/// [listen to switched debug/release configuration]
// All other events from IVsSelectionEvents are ignored.
// Eventhandler functions simply return OK status.
int IVsUpdateSolutionEvents.UpdateSolution_Begin(ref int pfCancelUpdate)
return VSConstants.S_OK;
int IVsUpdateSolutionEvents.UpdateSolution_Done(int fSucceeded, int fModified, int fCancelCommand)
return VSConstants.S_OK;
int IVsUpdateSolutionEvents.UpdateSolution_StartUpdate(ref int pfCancelUpdate)
return VSConstants.S_OK;
int IVsUpdateSolutionEvents.UpdateSolution_Cancel()
return VSConstants.S_OK;
// ----- Private methods -----
/// Find a project with a given name within the hierarchical tree of project/solution items
private EnvDTE.Project FindProject(string nameProject)
/// [iterate dte projects]
foreach (EnvDTE.Project project in dte.Solution.Projects)
/// [iterate dte projects]
if (project != null)
WriteLine(3, "FindProject: " + project.Name);
if (project.Kind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectKindSolutionItems)
EnvDTE.Project projectNextLevel = FindProjectRecursive(project, nameProject);
if (projectNextLevel != null)
return projectNextLevel;
else if (project.Name == nameProject)
return project;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "FindProject: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
return null;
/// Find a project with a given name within the project items of a given project
private EnvDTE.Project FindProjectRecursive(EnvDTE.Project project, string nameProject)
if (project == null)
return null;
WriteLine(3, "FindProjectRecursive: " + project.Name);
/// [recursive search]
foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems)
EnvDTE.Project realProject = item.Object as EnvDTE.Project;
if (realProject != null)
if (realProject.Kind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectKindSolutionItems)
EnvDTE.Project projectNextLevel = FindProjectRecursive(
realProject, nameProject);
if (projectNextLevel != null)
return projectNextLevel;
else if (realProject.Name == nameProject)
return realProject;
/// [recursive search]
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLine(1, "FindProjectRecursive: EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());
return null;
private void WriteLine(int in_outputLevel, String in_info)
m_evenReceiver.WriteLine(in_outputLevel, in_info);
/// [find config]
private Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCConfiguration FindConfig(Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.IVCCollection in_configurations, String in_configName, String in_platform)
string expectedConfigName = in_configName + "|" + in_platform;
WriteLine(3, "FindConfig: searching for config " + expectedConfigName);
if ((in_configurations == null) || (in_configurations.Count <= 0))
WriteLine(3, "FindConfig: in_configurations is null or empty");
return null;
WriteLine(3, "FindConfig: configurations.Count=" + in_configurations.Count);
foreach (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCConfiguration configItem in in_configurations)
WriteLine(3, "FindConfig: configItem.Name=>" + configItem.Name + "< .ConfigurationName=>" + configItem.ConfigurationName);
if (configItem.Name == expectedConfigName)
return configItem;
return null;
/// [find config]