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TestExecWindow - browse and execute test cases

TestExecWindow is an extension for Visual Studio 2015 which supports

Overview about control elements

  1. Name of current startup project and currently selected configuration
  2. Choose whether to start test within debugger or to execute it regularly
  3. Run all tests; test application is started and only default args are used
  4. Open test protocol file
  5. Manually refresh all data (e.g. when you have just added new test cases)
  6. Show/hide additional settings
  7. You can decide whether to show all BOOST test cases / TTB test functions or only those contained within the selected BOOST test suite / TTB test file
  8. List of available BOOST test suites / TTB test files
  9. List of available BOOST test cases / TTB test funcs
  10. Execution status of the last test execution
  11. Command line parameter which is automatically set when selecting an item within the list above. You can manually edit the parameter (e.g. for adding additional options)
  12. "Run selected" starts the test executable by using the commmand line above.
  13. "Run each" sequentially executes all tests within the list above. The result of each test run is displayed within log pane (14)
  14. Log pane containing important status messages. The test execution itself is displayed within the regular output pane of Visual Studio
  15. Clear entries within log pane