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// endGrpPugiXml

// UsingPugiXml.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyTestCommands.h"
#include <pugixml.hpp>
#include <TestToolBox\TestToolBox.h>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
namespace TTB = TestToolBox;
std::string const XML_FILE_PATH = "C://MyTemp/PugiXml/MyDemo.xml";
void CreateNewXmlFileWithEmptyRootNode()
/// [create new xml file]
// Generate new XML document within memory
pugi::xml_document doc;
// Alternatively store as shared pointer if tree shall be used for longer
// time or multiple client calls:
// std::shared_ptr<pugi::xml_document> spDoc = std::make_shared<pugi::xml_document>();
// Generate XML declaration
auto declarationNode = doc.append_child(pugi::node_declaration);
declarationNode.append_attribute("version") = "1.0";
declarationNode.append_attribute("encoding") = "ISO-8859-1";
declarationNode.append_attribute("standalone") = "yes";
// A valid XML doc must contain a single root node of any name
auto root = doc.append_child("MyRoot");
// Save XML tree to file.
// Remark: second optional param is indent string to be used;
// default indentation is tab character.
bool saveSucceeded = doc.save_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(), PUGIXML_TEXT(" "));
/// [create new xml file]
void AddSomeChildNodesWithVariousAttributeTypesToExistingXmlFile(
int in_intVal,
double in_doubleVal,
bool in_boolVal)
/// [load xml file]
// Create empty XML document within memory
pugi::xml_document doc;
// Load XML file into memory
// Remark: to fully read declaration entries you have to specify
// "pugi::parse_declaration"
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(),
if (!result)
std::cout << "Parse error: " << result.description()
<< ", character pos= " << result.offset;
// A valid XML document must have a single root node
pugi::xml_node root = doc.document_element();
/// [load xml file]
/// [add child elements]
// Append some child elements below root
// Add as last element
pugi::xml_node nodeChild = root.append_child("MyChild");
nodeChild.append_attribute("hint") = "inserted as last child";
nodeChild.append_attribute("intVal") = in_intVal;
// Add as last element
nodeChild = root.append_child("MyChild");
nodeChild.append_attribute("hint") = "also inserted as last child";
nodeChild.append_attribute("doubleVal") = in_doubleVal;
// Add as first element
nodeChild = root.prepend_child("MyChild");
nodeChild.append_attribute("hint") = "inserted at front";
nodeChild.append_attribute("boolVal") = in_boolVal;
/// [add child elements]
// Save XML tree to file.
bool saveSucceeded = doc.save_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(), PUGIXML_TEXT(" "));
/// [ToString helper function]
// Helper functions to uniformly convert data types to string representation
template <typename T>
std::string ToString(T const & in_val)
return std::to_string(in_val);
// Specialization for boolean type to force "true"/"false"
std::string ToString(bool const & in_val)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::boolalpha << in_val;
return oss.str();
/// [ToString helper function]
void AddSomeChildNodesWithDirectValuesToExistingXmlFile()
// Create empty XML document within memory
pugi::xml_document doc;
// Load XML file into memory
// Remark: to fully read declaration entries you have to specify
// "pugi::parse_declaration"
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(),
if (!result)
std::cout << "Parse error: " << result.description()
<< ", character pos= " << result.offset;
// A valid XML document must have a single root node
pugi::xml_node root = doc.document_element();
/// [add child wiith node value]
pugi::xml_node childrenWithValues = root.append_child("ChildrenWithValue");
// Add child of type integer
pugi::xml_node nodeChild = childrenWithValues.append_child("MyChildWithIntValue");
// Add child of type double
nodeChild = childrenWithValues.append_child("MyChildWithDoubleValue");
// Add child of type bool
nodeChild = childrenWithValues.append_child("MyChildWithBoolValue");
/// [add child wiith node value]
// Save XML tree to file.
bool saveSucceeded = doc.save_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(), PUGIXML_TEXT(" "));
void AddXmlSubtreeToExistingXmlFile()
// Create empty XML document within memory
pugi::xml_document doc;
// Load XML file into memory
// Remark: to fully read declaration entries you have to specify
// "pugi::parse_declaration"
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(),
if (!result)
std::cout << "Parse error: " << result.description()
<< ", character pos= " << result.offset;
// A valid XML document must have a single root node
pugi::xml_node root = doc.document_element();
/// [add xml string to existing xml file]
std::string externalXmlString = "<ExternalData>"
"<SomeChild intVal=\"1508\" doubleVal=\"4.5\" boolVal=\"false\"/>"
// Read XML string into temporary document
pugi::xml_document tmpDoc;
if (tmpDoc.load(externalXmlString.c_str()))
// Create child node to hold external XML data
pugi::xml_node childWithExternalSubtree = root.append_child("ChildWithExternalXmlSubtree");
// Copy subtree from temporary document to target node
/// [add xml string to existing xml file]
// Save XML tree to file.
bool saveSucceeded = doc.save_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(), PUGIXML_TEXT(" "));
void SearchForNodesUsingXpath(bool in_searchFirst)
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_node root = doc.document_element();
/// [xpath search node with attribute value]
// Search for the first / last child entry with the given hint attribute
std::string searchStr = in_searchFirst ? "MyChild[@hint='inserted as last child']"
: "MyChild[@hint='inserted as last child'][last()]";
pugi::xpath_node xpathNode = root.select_single_node(searchStr.c_str());
if (xpathNode)
pugi::xml_node selectedNode = xpathNode.node();
// now access found node
// ...
/// [xpath search node with attribute value]
/// [check for attribute and read value]
// Read attribute value
pugi::xml_attribute attr;
if (attr = selectedNode.attribute("intVal")) // attribute really exists
// Read value as string
std::cout << "read as string: intVal=" << attr.value() << std::endl;
// Read value as int
int intVal = attr.as_int();
std::cout << "read as int : intVal=" << intVal << std::endl;
// for other types use as_double, as_bool, as_uint, ...
/// [check for attribute and read value]
void ReadVariousAttributeAndNodeTypes()
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_node root = doc.document_element();
/// [xpath search node]
// Search for the first matching entry with the given hint attribute
std::string searchStr = "ChildWithExternalXmlSubtree/ExternalData";
pugi::xpath_node xpathNode = root.select_single_node(searchStr.c_str());
if (xpathNode)
pugi::xml_node selectedNode = xpathNode.node();
// continue with accessing node
// ...
/// [xpath search node]
/// [read node values]
// Read several child node values according to their expected types
double x = selectedNode.child("X") .text().as_double();
int numPoints = selectedNode.child("NumPoints").text().as_int();
bool exists = selectedNode.child("exists") .text().as_bool();
/// [read node values]
/// [read attribute values]
// Read various attribute types of "SomeChild" according to their expected types
double doubleVal = selectedNode.child("SomeChild").attribute("doubleVal").as_double();
int intVal = selectedNode.child("SomeChild").attribute("intVal").as_int();
bool boolVal = selectedNode.child("SomeChild").attribute("boolVal").as_bool();
/// [read attribute values]
std::cout << "\nnode values read: X=" << x
<< " NumPoints=" << numPoints
<< " exists=" << std::boolalpha << exists << std::endl;
std::cout << "attribute values read: doubleVal=" << doubleVal
<< " intVal=" << intVal
<< " boolVal=" << std::boolalpha << boolVal << std::endl;
void WriteXmlDocumentToStream()
pugi::xml_document doc;
doc.load_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(), pugi::parse_default|pugi::parse_declaration);
/// [write xml doc to stream]
// Write complete xml document to stdout
std::cout << "\nWrite xml doc to stdout with indent of 1 char:" << std::endl;," ");
// Write complete xml document to string stream
std::cout << "\nWrite xml doc to stringstream with indent of 2 chars:" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;," ");
std::cout << "stream contents are:\n" << ss.str() << std::endl;
/// [write xml doc to stream]
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput =
/// [generated xml file]
R"(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<MyChild hint="inserted at front" boolVal="false" />
<MyChild hint="inserted at front" boolVal="true" />
<MyChild hint="inserted as last child" intVal="4711" />
<MyChild hint="also inserted as last child" doubleVal="3.14" />
<MyChild hint="inserted as last child" intVal="4712" />
<MyChild hint="also inserted as last child" doubleVal="3.15" />
<SomeChild intVal="1508" doubleVal="4.5" boolVal="false" />
/// [generated xml file]
// Ensure that generated xml contents are identical to the string above
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
void WriteXmlSubTreeToStream()
pugi::xml_document doc;
doc.load_file(XML_FILE_PATH.c_str(), pugi::parse_default | pugi::parse_declaration);
pugi::xml_node root = doc.document_element();
/// [write xml subtree to stream]
// Write xml subtree to stdout
std::cout << "\nWrite subtree to stdout with indent of 1 char:" << std::endl;
root.child("ChildWithExternalXmlSubtree").print(std::cout, " ");
// Write xml subtree to string stream
std::cout << "\nWrite subtree to stringstream with indent of 2 chars:" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
root.child("ChildWithExternalXmlSubtree").print(ss, " ");
std::cout << "stream contents are:\n" << ss.str() << std::endl;
/// [write xml subtree to stream]
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput =
<SomeChild intVal="1508" doubleVal="4.5" boolVal="false" />
// Ensure that generated xml contents are identical to the string above
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
void RemoveAttributes()
// Read simple XML string into document
std::string xmlString = R"(<SomeNode x="0.5" y="2.18" z="-3.5" phi="20">)";
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_node someNode = doc.document_element();
std::cout << "\nWrite tree before deletion of attributes" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
someNode.print(ss, " ");
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput = R"(<SomeNode x="0.5" y="2.18" z="-3.5" phi="20" />)" "\n";
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
/// [remove xml attribute while iterating]
for (pugi::xml_attribute attr = someNode.first_attribute(); attr;)
// Get next attribute before possibly deleting current attribute
pugi::xml_attribute nextAttr = attr.next_attribute();
// Check wether attribute shall be deleted
if ((std::string("phi") || (attr.as_double() < 0))
attr = nextAttr;
/// [remove xml attribute while iterating]
std::cout << "\nWrite tree after deletion of attributes" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
someNode.print(ss, " ");
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput = R"(<SomeNode x="0.5" y="2.18" />)" "\n";
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
/// [remove xml attribute by name]
/// [remove xml attribute by name]
std::cout << "\nWrite tree after second deletion of attributes" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
someNode.print(ss, " ");
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput = R"(<SomeNode y="2.18" />)" "\n";
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
void RemoveNodes()
// Read simple XML string into document
std::string xmlString = R"(<Subtree>
<SomeNode>some content</SomeNode>
<OtherNode x="0.5" y="2.18" z="-3.5" phi="20" />
<AnOtherNode x="4.7" z="-3.5" />
<AnOtherNode z="22.3" />
<OtherNode x="0.5" y="2.18" z="-3.5" phi="20" />
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_node someParentNode = doc.document_element();
std::cout << "\nWrite tree before deletion of child nodes" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
someParentNode.print(ss, " ");
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput = xmlString + "\n";
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
/// [remove xml child nodes while iterating]
for (pugi::xml_node child = someParentNode.first_child(); child; )
// Get next child node before possibly deleting current child
pugi::xml_node next = child.next_sibling();
// Check wether child node shall be deleted
if (std::string( != "AnOtherNode")
child = next;
/// [remove xml child nodes while iterating]
std::cout << "\nWrite tree after deletion of child nodes" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
someParentNode.print(ss, " ");
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput = R"(<Subtree>
<AnOtherNode x="4.7" z="-3.5" />
<AnOtherNode z="22.3" />
</Subtree>)" "\n";
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
/// [remove xml child node by name]
// "remove_child" only removes the first found child
// the return value signals if a child was found
// removing all childs with a given name:
/// [remove xml child node by name]
std::cout << "\nWrite tree after second deletion of child nodes" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
someParentNode.print(ss, " ");
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
std::string generatedXmlContents = ss.str();
std::string expectedOutput = R"(<Subtree />)" "\n";
assert(generatedXmlContents == expectedOutput);
void DemonstrateUsageOfPugiXml()
std::cout << "\n----------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n\nHow to use PugiXml (no checks, simply write to stdout)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n----------------------------" << std::endl;
/// [boost.test optionally skip execution]
// Optionaly skip execution
if (!TTB::TheEnvironment()->IsExistingCommandLineOption("-suppressDemoOutput"))
/// [boost.test optionally skip execution]
/// [boost.test read param value from command line]
// For demonstration purpose read some value from command line.
// A not existing value will be default constructed (here 0.0)
double valX = TTB::TheEnvironment()->GetCommandLineOptionVal<double>("-valX");
// Write value as informational message to test protocol
TTB_INFO_S("command line param valX=" << valX);
/// [boost.test read param value from command line]
/// \endcond